This is the online archive for the unpublished works of the master Urdu poet and scholar Amir Ahmad Minai.(1829-1900)
We will keep uploading sections of manuscripts from the Amir Minai Archive in subsequent posts. Please keep visiting. We will notify once the project is complete.
Thank you.
The Amir Minai Archive Team

Friday, May 28, 2010

Title 26, Manuscript, Musaddas-e Tehniyat masnad nashini-e Nawab Hamid Ali Khan

Serial No: 26
Dimensions (HxW): 9.75”x6”
Nature of Document: Manuscript - Musaddas-e Tehniyat masnad nashini-e Nawab Hamid Ali Khan
Genre: Urdu Poetry
No. of Pages: 22 - 12 images

Pp 1

Pp 2-3

Pp 19-20

Pp 21